Jay Vaughan wrote:
>> Why the developers are spending time breaking things that were  
>> previously
>> worked (see ASU keyboard), rather than fixing what's broken and in  
>> desperate
>> need of fixing, is beyond me.
> Yeah I concur with this here, its definitely been a matter of  
> patience, watching things go backwards before they apparently .. any  
> day now .. go forwards.
>> Is it a lack of leadership? For this aggressive undertaking to be
>> successful, it needs at least one person to prioritize, delegate,  
>> and lead
>> the other developers.
> Its a bit hippy-dippy, if you want to know my opinion (you probably  
> don't), and by that I mean that the punch-bowl is running linux.
>> Is there such a person at Openmoko? If not, that's the problem.  
>> Having a
>> team of developers, without clear leadership, is akin to herding  
>> cats :)
> I think the best we can hope for is that from the 2008.8 release  
> onwards, we'll now start to see the massive progress we've always been  
> promised as a result of community contributions.  I suppose its fair  
> to say that the majority of the platform-specific 'hard work' has been/ 
> is being done by the core OM team, and now its up to us to start  
> contributing.
> That said, I have not been able to succesfully complete a 'make  
> openmoko-developer-image' for a week, and its been terribly  
> frustrating watching all the bloat of OM go by, with little final  
> 'caught up with the main developers' resuts.  I'm going to give it  
> another go, though, so stay tuned ..
> ;
> --
> Jay Vaughan
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The only thing I want to see improved is the documentation..... ther is 
no info on ASU at all.... even hackers/tinkers are spending much more 
time than they have to, to customize the images/system..... lets face it 
in many ways software is only useful with documentation and this has none.


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