Thanks for your reply.
But I still not agree.

> which means of communications hould the fr chose?
configuration will say it.
the user ordered is preferences.
Maybe depending on price.
Maybe depending on performance.

so it's not really automatic (and had nothing to do with the keyboard
problem ;) ) : I choosed before.

If I take a concrete example : my ~/.wgetrc.
i wan't to connect to internet
- from home, with wifi, I have direct access to internet.
- from work, with wifi, I must use a proxy.
- from outside, I must use GPRS with another proxy.

It's easy to make a script that will update .wgetrc.
But there will be configuration
- in wpa_supplicant ( If I understood well).
- in "post-up" operations of pppd.

Those scripts are not specifics to users.
Everyone will have do the same.

Anyway, I'll try to do something for me and see if it can be shared.

arne anka a écrit :
>>> you can do that in wpa_supplicant.conf.
>>> just add your different wifi-aps to the conf (it does wep and no enc,  
>>> too)
>>> and let wpa_supplicant handle it.
>> I'll take a look.
>> But there must be something I don't understand.
>> Because if wpa_supplicant handle only wifi, what about usb, gprs or
>> other connections ?
>> Is there a way to federate all network connections ?
> i am not sure if understand you issue at all.
> - you can handle all you known wifi networks in wpa_supplicant.conf. it's  
> not the user firenliest solution, but anyway
> - usb networking is a rather static way (since ip and probably dns are  
> more or less hardcoded on the fr)
> - gprs is subject to limitations beyound your reach -- ususally your  
> provider puts you in some kind of vpn, not available from the inet by othe  
> means then a proxy of your provider.
> - bt networking seem snot to be a widely used option
> so, imo the only means of networking subject to intelligent settings are  
> wfi and gprs.
> wifi is, as said before, configurable in wpa_supplicant.conf (ar any othe  
> way, like networkmanager).
> gprs does not need more than one setting since you usually use only the  
> entry point your provider offers.
> all connections use their own devices: eth0 for wifi, bnetX for bt (i  
> guess), ubs0 for usb and finally ppp0 (i think)  for gprs.
> the scripts below /etc/network/if-up.d/ and /etc/network/if-down.d/ have  
> acces to the name of the interface used for networking ($IFACE on my  
> debian box) -- thus you can easily distinguish the means of networking and  
> execute actions appropriately.
> something like "internet [on|of]" would be impractical imo not at least  
> because you very easy might find yourself in situations where both wifi  
> and gprs is available, you have tehterd you rf via usb to the notebook in  
> an attempt to use the fr as modem and there might even be one or more  
> people around you with enabled bluetooth.
> which means of communications hould the fr chose?
> while it might be decidable most of the time (have a rule basically  
> saying: if one of the wifi networks a, b, c or d is available, use it),  
> i'd rather have an app allowing me to check the means of communication i  
> want and that does not automatically connect, in the worst case to gprs  
> while i am out of area and causing heavy charges -- then we are basically  
> where the discussion on the asu keyboard switcher took off: what good is  
> automatism and who wants is?
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