Does Mokomakefile can build a 2008.8 more recent than the one release on
August 08 of 2008 ?
I setup the Makefile for
OM_GIT_BRANCH := org.openmoko.asu.testing
and run
make openmoko-qtopia-x11-image
Will I have the "fake" asu, like the one on the daily buildhost ? or will I
have a 2008.8/ASU ?

if not, how can I build myself a more recent 2008.8/ASU


On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 4:47 PM, Jay Vaughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >  Oh come on.  After reading all your (and others') scary messages
> > about that, I decided to give it a try.  So I pointed my browser to
> >  Half an hour later, I had
> > a build in progress.  Most of that half-hour was spent waiting for
> > stuff to download, and part of the rest was due to my running the
> > whole stuff in a particular isolated environment (cowbuilder chroot,
> > for those who care) with its own characteristics (stuff runs as root,
> > and I didn't have a home directory).
> >
> great that its working for you, looking forward to future news of
> your .ipk URL's ..
> >  Of course, the build hasn't completed yet (I have a few *.ipk
> > already, but the webpage mentions 5 hours on a computer that's rather
> > faster than mine), but if pasting less than 15 commands straight from
> > a web page is too high a barrier to entry for prospective developers,
> > I doubt they'd be able to accomplish much even if it was a single
> > command to run.
> >
> since where did i say that i couldn't follow the instructions on the
> wiki?
> the issue is that there is no one stable, common, build system - or
> distribution channel - for developers to pop their stuff into, and
> with the moving targets of 'fso' vs. 'asu' vs 'om2007.2' vs
> 'underground' vs '&etc', its a bother.
> much more fun, right now, to hack code *on* the machine itself, put up
> with slow (actually not bad considering how much code gets written in
> between compiles) build times, but have a development environment that
> sits on a 512m SD card rather than .. 12 gigs, not counting the VM
> backups i've been doing over 12 months of tracking mokomakefile ..
> >  Half an hour.  15 commands to copy and paste.  How much more
> > hand-holding does a developer need?
> please, do not assume i am a fool unless you would consider like
> countenance.  its not the hand-holding or the trick makefiles.  its
> the dire lack of a dictator to rally around and form a federation ..
> and as a result, actually, building apps for the phone *with* the
> phone is turning out to be, frankly, a lot more workable - and
> lightweight - than over a year of mokomakefile groupthink right about
> now ..
> ;
> --
> Jay Vaughan
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