Risto H. Kurppa, 2008-08-16 12:31:22 +0300 :

> On Sat, Aug 16, 2008 at 12:22 PM, arne anka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> So now people, let's write a page that lists some cool (read:
>>> recommended or so..) apps that you can run on debian here :)
>> i am far more intersted to switch to a useful desktop manager and still to
>> be able to use the phone part.
>> at least i'd like to know how i do access installed applications, zhone
>> only presents that four predefined buttons.
> .. let me know if you find it out. Installing gdm and xfce4 would
> take approx 85 megs, I only have 70 left after the installation on
> my kit-512MB card (didn't wanto to empty 8GB one - especially when
> there's been some sdhc io-reports..) so can't try it yet.

  Hints to free up some space:
- Remove /usr/share/man
- Remove /usr/share/doc
- Remove unneeded directories in /usr/share/locale/ (mine now contains
  only the English variants, plus French)

  The files in there will reappear if you reinstall or upgrade
packages, so this is only a temporary trick.  Nice results, though:

debian-gta02:~# df -h /
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
rootfs                462M  287M  151M  66% /

  Still not small enough to fit into NAND flash, unfortunately.

Roland Mas

C r  ' s  d   a  u    e   e    ll r   a  u i r .  
  -- Signatures à collectionner, série n°1, partie 1/3.

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