> I would really like to see a site or wiki page where all these (about
> 10) distros would be reviewed and compared every x weeks or so.. One
> could compare the availability of software (gprs, web, gps),
> stability, power saving features, ability to make phone calls and so
> on and maybe also list 'biggest annoyances' that then could hopefully
> be focused on by the developers/community.
> Is there anyone who could do this?

Yeah, this is really needed.  I would be happy to try images and  
report on them every week, I just don't have the time and resources to  
set up a server that would present the details properly, and I  
definitely don't want to bury this in the wiki.  Something like what  
the GP2X scene has in the forms of regular updates and reviews would  
be ideal ..

Jay Vaughan

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