On Tue, 19 Aug 2008 19:53:05 +1000
Peter Schwenke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> SIP is looking very promising on Debian.  I installed ekiga and
> linphone and have had some success with both.  Nothing fancy - just
> apt-get install.
> Calls can be successfully initiated and received on linphone.  Ekiga
> does work as well and I have received video but it didn't cope too
> well.
> The problem is with the audio.  I can hear the ring for an incoming
> call using stereoout.state.  Once the call is picked up I can hear
> the other end.
> Fiddling with alsa mixer I was able to get the other end to hear me
> from the phone speaker.
> So some work with the alsa setting and we should have VOIP and maybe
> even some video conferencing.
>                                                           Regards
>                                                           ...Peter
Well done, thank you.

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