julien cubizolles wrote:
> There is at the moment a very nasty bug on the phone software of ASU and
> FSO images.
> Basically most of the time (more than 9 out of 10) you can't get the
> phone registered after the PIN code is entered. This means you can't
> make a call but strangely you can always receive calls. 
> Sometimes (quite often) you get registered after receiving a call and
> receiving the call while in suspend mode seems to make you a little
> luckier but maybe it's just wishful thinking. Some suggestions were made
> (upgrade with http://people.openmoko.org/zecke/qtopia-testing feeds) but
> didn't fix the problem.
> I never add any problem regarding registration with 2007.2 and still
> don't have any with the latest Qtopia image. I could stick with Qtopia
> for the time being but would very much test ASU. Could it be possible to
> somehow get from the Qtopia image the right files/packages/whatever to
> just fix the telephony part ?
> Julien.
This is known. See http://docs.openmoko.org/trac/ticket/1766

This is the major deal-breaker for 2008.8 for me - can't use it as a phone.

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