
On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 12:17 PM, Torfinn Ingolfsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So the antenna works, but gglin isn't outputtig fix lines. What can be wrong?

I did an 'opkg upgrade' today and the system is now:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@om-gta01:~# cat /etc/angstrom-version
Angstrom -20080822

and now gllin / gpsd get fixes:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# cat /tmp/nmeaNP | grep GPRMC

dbus-monitor shows this:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# dbus-monitor --system
signal sender=org.freedesktop.DBus -> dest=:1.11
path=/org/freedesktop/DBus; interface=org.freedesktop.DBus;
   string ":1.11"
signal sender=:1.3 -> dest=(null destination) path=/org/gpsd;
interface=org.gpsd; member=fix
   double nan
   int32 3
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
signal sender=:1.3 -> dest=(null destination) path=/org/gpsd;
interface=org.gpsd; member=fix
   double 1.21944e+09
   int32 2
   double nan
   double 59.919
   double 10.7593
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double 0
   double nan
   double 0
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
signal sender=:1.3 -> dest=(null destination) path=/org/gpsd;
interface=org.gpsd; member=fix
   double nan
   int32 3
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
signal sender=:1.3 -> dest=(null destination) path=/org/gpsd;
interface=org.gpsd; member=fix
   double 1.21944e+09
   int32 2
   double nan
   double 59.919
   double 10.7593
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan
   double 0
   double nan
   double 0
   double nan
   double nan
   double nan

But still neither tangoGPS nor zhone gets anything, not even time, from the gps.

So I run frameworkd from the command line (long output):
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# python /usr/bin/frameworkd
frameworkd INFO     Using configuration file /etc/frameworkd.conf
frameworkd ERROR    factory method not successfully completed for
module <module 'framework.subsystems.ogpsd.factory' from
frameworkd ERROR    Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/framework/controller.py",
line 194, in registerObjectsFromModule
    for obj in factory( "%s.%s" % ( DBUS_BUS_NAME_PREFIX, subsystem ), self ):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/framework/subsystems/ogpsd/factory.py",
line 32, in factory
    channel = globals()[channame]( pathname )
KeyError: 'UDPChannel'

ogsmd    INFO     Device initialized. Serving
org.freesmartphone.GSM.Device at /org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device
ogsmd    INFO
object at 0x408e2150>: Creating channel with timeout = 3600 seconds)
ogsmd    INFO
object at 0x408e2550>: Creating channel with timeout = 5 seconds)
ogsmd    INFO
object at 0x408e25f0>: Creating channel with timeout = 5 seconds)
ogsmd    INFO     Server initialized. Serving
org.freesmartphone.GSM.Server at /org/freesmartphone/GSM/Server
opreferencesd INFO     initialized, services : ['profiles']
oeventd  INFO     CallTrigger initialized. Serving
org.freesmartphone.Event.Trigger at [(<dbus._dbus.SystemBus (system)
at 0x403a5f30>, '/org/freesmartphone/Event/Trigger/0', False)]
oeventd  INFO     Manager initialized. Serving
org.freesmartphone.Event at [(<dbus._dbus.SystemBus (system) at
0x403a5f30>, '/org/freesmartphone/Event', False)]
oeventd  INFO     Receiver initialized. Serving
org.freesmartphone.Event.Receiver at [(<dbus._dbus.SystemBus (system)
at 0x403a5f30>, '/org/freesmartphone/Event/Receiver/0', False)]
oeventd  INFO     AudioSetupReceiver initialized. Serving
org.freesmartphone.Event.Receiver at [(<dbus._dbus.SystemBus (system)
at 0x403a5f30>, '/org/freesmartphone/Event/Receiver/1', False)]
oeventd  INFO     VibratorReceiver initialized. Serving
org.freesmartphone.Event.Receiver at [(<dbus._dbus.SystemBus (system)
at 0x403a5f30>, '/org/freesmartphone/Event/Receiver/2', False)]
oeventd  INFO     RingReceiver initialized. Serving
org.freesmartphone.Event.Receiver at [(<dbus._dbus.SystemBus (system)
at 0x403a5f30>, '/org/freesmartphone/Event/Receiver/3', False)]
ophoned  INFO     Logging test
ousaged  INFO     GenericUsageControl initialized. Serving
org.freesmartphone.Usage at /org/freesmartphone/Usage
frameworkd ERROR    could not import audio.py: No module named patterns
odeviced.kernel26 INFO     Display initialized. Serving
org.freesmartphone.Device.Display at
odeviced.kernel26 INFO     LED initialized. Serving
org.freesmartphone.Device.LED at
odeviced.kernel26 INFO     PowerSupplyApm initialized. Serving
org.freesmartphone.Device.PowerSupply at
odeviced.kernel26 INFO     RealTimeClock initialized. Serving
org.freesmartphone.Device.RealTimeClock at
odeviced.info INFO     Info initialized. Serving
org.freesmartphone.Device.Info at /org/freesmartphone/Device/Info
odeviced.powercontrol-neo INFO     NeoGsmPowerControl initialized.
Serving org.freesmartphone.Device.PowerControl at
odeviced.powercontrol-neo INFO     NeoBluetoothPowerControl
initialized. Serving org.freesmartphone.Device.PowerControl at
odeviced.powercontrol-neo INFO     NeoGpsPowerControl initialized.
Serving org.freesmartphone.Device.PowerControl at
odeviced.idlenotifier INFO     IdleNotifier initialized. Serving
org.freesmartphone.Device.IdleNotifier at
odeviced.idlenotifier INFO     opened 3 input file descriptors
odeviced.idlenotifier INFO     timeout for IDLE_PRELOCK not
configured. using default
odeviced.idlenotifier INFO     timeout for IDLE not configured. using default
odeviced.idlenotifier INFO     timeout for SUSPEND not configured. using default
odeviced.idlenotifier INFO     timeout for IDLE_DIM not configured.
using default
odeviced.idlenotifier INFO     timeout for LOCK not configured. using default
odeviced.accelerometer INFO     FSOSubsystem initialized. Serving
org.freesmartphone.Device.Accelerometer at
odeviced.input INFO     Input initialized. Serving
org.freesmartphone.Device.Input at /org/freesmartphone/Device/Input
odeviced.input INFO     opened 3 input file descriptors
frameworkd INFO     ==================
frameworkd INFO     objects registered
frameworkd INFO     ==================
frameworkd INFO     /org/freesmartphone/Device/Accelerometer
frameworkd INFO     /org/freesmartphone/Device/Display/gta01_bl
frameworkd INFO     /org/freesmartphone/Device/IdleNotifier/0
frameworkd INFO     /org/freesmartphone/Device/Info
frameworkd INFO     /org/freesmartphone/Device/Input
frameworkd INFO     /org/freesmartphone/Device/LED/neo1973_vibrator
frameworkd INFO     /org/freesmartphone/Device/PowerControl/Bluetooth
frameworkd INFO     /org/freesmartphone/Device/PowerControl/GPS
frameworkd INFO     /org/freesmartphone/Device/PowerControl/GSM
frameworkd INFO     /org/freesmartphone/Device/PowerSupply/apm
frameworkd INFO     /org/freesmartphone/Device/RealTimeClock/rtc0
frameworkd INFO     /org/freesmartphone/Event [org.freesmartphone.Event]
frameworkd INFO     /org/freesmartphone/Event/Receiver/0
frameworkd INFO     /org/freesmartphone/Event/Receiver/1
frameworkd INFO     /org/freesmartphone/Event/Receiver/2
frameworkd INFO     /org/freesmartphone/Event/Receiver/3
frameworkd INFO     /org/freesmartphone/Event/Trigger/0
frameworkd INFO     /org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device
frameworkd INFO     /org/freesmartphone/GSM/Server
frameworkd INFO     /org/freesmartphone/Phone [org.freesmartphone.Phone]
frameworkd INFO     /org/freesmartphone/Preferences
frameworkd INFO     /org/freesmartphone/Usage [org.freesmartphone.Usage]
ogsmd    INFO
object at 0x408e25f0>: using modem path '/dev/pts/1')
ogsmd    INFO     (modem responding)
ogsmd    INFO
object at 0x408e2550>: using modem path '/dev/pts/2')
ogsmd    INFO     (modem responding)
ogsmd    INFO
object at 0x408e2150>: using modem path '/dev/pts/3')
ogsmd    INFO     (modem responding)
odeviced.idlenotifier INFO
framework.subsystems.odeviced.idlenotifier state change to IDLE
odeviced.idlenotifier INFO
framework.subsystems.odeviced.idlenotifier state change to BUSY
odeviced.input INFO     name AUX pressed 0
odeviced.input INFO     name AUX released 0
odeviced.input INFO     name AUX pressed 0
odeviced.input INFO     name AUX released 0
odeviced.idlenotifier INFO
framework.subsystems.odeviced.idlenotifier state change to IDLE
odeviced.idlenotifier INFO
framework.subsystems.odeviced.idlenotifier state change to BUSY
odeviced.idlenotifier INFO
framework.subsystems.odeviced.idlenotifier state change to IDLE
odeviced.idlenotifier INFO
framework.subsystems.odeviced.idlenotifier state change to IDLE_DIM
odeviced.idlenotifier INFO
framework.subsystems.odeviced.idlenotifier state change to
odeviced.idlenotifier INFO
framework.subsystems.odeviced.idlenotifier state change to LOCK
odeviced.idlenotifier INFO
framework.subsystems.odeviced.idlenotifier state change to SUSPEND

Torfinn Ingolfsen

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