Thanks everyone for you advice - I flashed the kernel, rootfs and
boot-loader yesterday and it booted on the first try after that. Then I
got lost in trying to make 2008.08 connect to my wifi and didn't try
again, but I'll investigate more this evening and report back!

- Gunnar

arne anka wrote:
>> opkg updates the userland binaries and kernel modules, I'd say the most  
>> likely
>> reason you're having problems is due to not updating your kernel.
> opkg updates the kernel as well.
> the next time you do opkg upgrade, check
> a) the list of packages -- when kernel module packages are mentioned  
> there's also a kernel package
> b) have a look at the opkg output -- there will be a section showing  
> progress while writing the kernel (or "flashing" if you prefer)
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