On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 12:28:55PM +0530, Nishit Dave wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 4:10 AM, Torfinn Ingolfsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > What happens if you try to suspend the FR after it has rebooted?
> > When I wake up my FR after suspend it registers very quickly to the
> > network.
> > YMMV.
> >
> Suspend?  If I activate both the 'blank' and 'suspend' options under the
> Configuration > Power menu, the phone does not wake up at all.  I had once
> been able to get it suspended and wake it up with the power button, but I am
> no longer sure how that magic worked.
> By the way, now the OM-dialer also works, but it seems to have a clash with
> the QT dialer and either one does not respond whenever there is a call.  Is
> there a way to specify the default dialer?  Moot question, probably, because
> somebody pointed out just now how I could import all contacts at once in the
> QT contacts and remove the OM-dialer.

You have both the dialer from OM2007.2 and the Qtopia dialer installed?
Then that's probably why it takes so long for your phone to register to
the network: OM-dialer depends on gsmd, but Qtopia has its own GSM
stack, and the two are conflicting. So either remove Qtopia completely,
or remove gsmd.


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