On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 7:12 PM, arne anka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > have found some problems that are knows from all, like :
> > - the GPS need to have a internet connexion by USB or Wifi to get the Map
> how is that a problem? since the maps are available over the net, you need
> to get them somehow. if you don't like having the fr download 'em itself,
> download them elsewhere an put on the sd card.
> > - when we call a friend, he gets an echo of him voice
> the _echo_ seems to be a problem rather of your network/position, afaik.
> > I would like to know if there is a pdf ready (in test or release) for
> > ASU ?
> pdf?
Gabriel is a new user (like me).  He might have used a GPS device before,
and therefore expects that there would be some preloaded maps.  He might
also be hinting at the lack of workable GPRS support in the FR.

If it is not the echo problem, it is the buzzing problem.  When the signal
strength drops, buzzing starts as the phone tries to power up the antenna.

And further, Gabriel seems to be asking for a guide.  So let us point him to
and the other software guide I had seen it the other day.  Where is it?

But most of all, as Gabriel is a new user and there will be many more like
us, we should not be dismissive but helpful.  Just some advice.

Note to Gabriel: RTFW (Read The Wiki).  It will point you to some clues.
Back up your existing .state files before you experiment with alsamixer, so
that if everything goes FUBAR, you can at least restore it to the original,
if echoing state.
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