Btw, starting to use translated software under 2007.2 (and probaly others, too) I did the following:
1. Installed all the already-available packages related to my locale I could find: locale-base-fi-fi libglib-2.0-locale-fi gtk+-locale-fi binutils-locale-fi eds-dbus-locale-fi gconf-dbus-locale-fi gettext-locale-fi glibc-binary-localedata-fi-fi glibc-locale-fi glibc-localedata-fi-fi gnome-mime-data-locale-fi gnome-vfs-locale-fi gnupg-locale-fi gst-plugins-base-locale-fi gst-plugins-good-locale-fi gst-plugins-ugly-locale-fi gstreamer-locale-fi hal-locale-fi libatk-1.0-locale-fi libgstapp-0.10-locale-fi libpopt-locale-fi libwnck-1-locale-fi 2. Added the following to /etc/profile: LANG=fi_FI.UTF-8 LC_ALL=fi_FI.UTF-8 export LANG LC_ALL After a reboot, I now had some basic things like dates and some of the system messages in Finnish. Now if only we could get more of the actual applications localized... -Timo _______________________________________________ Openmoko community mailing list