Am Samstag 06 September 2008 12:24:10 schrieb Katrin Tomanek:
> I can't manage to connect to a WPA-encrypted WLAN with my FR. I read all
> the wiki-stuff, googled for it and checked most of the mailing list threads
> -- but all this didn't help. Hope you guys can give me a hint...
> So, I use the following (simple) wpa_supplicant.conf:
> ------- snip -------
> ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant
> eapol_version=1
> ap_scan=1
> network={
>       ssid="red"
>       psk=8fa68651275b12accb0982db01cfd78cfb6f4a5d6d3b9a31735ce8aad2271be7
> }
> -- snap ---

Hmmm... looks good...

> It works perfectly on my laptop (Ubuntu, Hardy Heron).
> However, on my FR authentification doesn't work.
> This is how I run the wpa_supplicant:
>  wpa_supplicant -i eth0 -D wext -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
> I get the following output:
> ----- snip ----
> ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT]: Operation not supported
> ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT]: Operation not supported
> ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT]: Operation not supported
> ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT]: Operation not supported
> Trying to associate with 00:1c:4a:a3:b4:3e (SSID='red' freq=2437 MHz)
> Authentication with 00:1c:4a:a3:b4:3e timed out.
> Trying to associate with 00:1c:4a:a3:b4:3e (SSID='red' freq=2437 MHz)
> [repeats the last 3 lines in an endless loop]
> ---- snap ---
> I also checked the debugging output of the wpa_supplicant. As I am not
> familiar with wpa_supplicant its hard for me to interpret. But I saw that
> my ssid got blacklisted (and after several tries got removed from the
> blacklist again) -- maybe this is normal. If necessary, I might also send
> the debugging output (however, as it's rather longish I skip it for the
> moment).
> Would be great if anybody had an idea what to do here...

It looks to me like the AP has either enabled MAC Address filtering or has 
crashed (Yes, my Freerunner seems to be able to make my AP crash once in a 
while) or has any other reason to not answer your neos connection requests...

On your freerunner side everything seems fine since it can see your wireless 
network. Jus to make sure. Have you tried searching for it with "iwlist eth0 
scan" ?

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