Marco Trevisan (Treviño) wrote:
> Dale Maggee ha scritto:
>> I suspect that it won't run on 2007.2, because the accelerometers seem 
>> to be broken.
>> I get "Unknown Multivoc error code." when i try to run it in 2007.2.
>> -Dale
>> Shawn Thompson wrote:
>>> I'm SO installing that when my openmoko shows up! That is freakin 
>>> sweet!. Will it run on 2007.2 or do you have to upgrade to 2008.8 and above?
> Maybe the fixed neod that is available [1] here could help you!
> BTW Rafael, thanks... Cool work!
> However, no way to make it work at 640x480 without slowdowns? Maybe 
> improving video output exploiting the X acceleration (and a little more 
> the Xglamo in gta02s)... I figure that an old game like this could 
> perform really in a better way here.
> [1]
Oooh! a magic eightball! funky!

I tried the updated neod from that page, but no luck - I still get 
nothing when I hexdump /dev/input/event2 and /dev/input/event3.

I believe the problem is covered under #1808, yorick describes exactly 
what i see in his comments:

if you have any other ideas I'd welcome them! not having working 
accelerators is starting to annoy!

Thanks anyway,

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