I would like to be able to install Trolltech's Qtopia on top of a
fresh distro such as the latest testing 2008.8 base distro.

For now I mostly use qtopia distro form qtopia.net
The rootfs released by qtopia.net can't opkg upgrade. It uses
buildhost, not available anymore.

I could not find what is needed to have Qtopia work on a given rootfs ?

So far, I just tried installing /opt/Nokia/Qtopia/ stuff on 2008.8
base (from http://downloads.openmoko.org/daily/ ),
then (after a /etc/init.d/xserver-nodm stop ), launching
/opt/Nokia/Qtopia/qpe.sh    (or putting it in /etc/init.d/ and

It did not work (stays on empty screen with cursor only)

Do I have to put something more in /home/root ? Or elsewhere ?
Disable something more in 2008.8 ?

Once this work, what I would be cool is to be able to quickly switch
beetween 2008.8 X11 stuff and Qtopia framebuffer based stuff :
2 scripts, one to do the stop X11 server and some services then aunch
qpe,  and one for the other way around.
Is it as easy as it looks ?

This would replace what I do now : shutdown then reboot on another partition...

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