
i searched this Mailinglist for the word "thanks" in the Subject and i 
couldn't find one so  ....

I want to thank everyone from Openmoko and all other devs who contribute 
to this outstanding project

the combination of Open Source and Open Hardware is just brilliant.

My Thanks go to Sean Moss-Pultz
                Harald Welte
                Michael Lauer
                Holger Freyther
                Joseph Reeves
                Thomas Wood
                Andy Allen for Gravitystorm.co.uk
                Marcus Bauer for tangoGPS
                Andy "ScaredyCat" Powell
                Chris Ball
                Guillaume Chereau
                Marcin "hrw" Juszkiewicz
                Paul V. Borza
                Valério Valério

                and all the other i probably forgot

I enjoy my Freerunner everyday and can't wait for all the great appl. to 
come (even when i don't use it as a phone yet)



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