> Someone managed to compile one with touchscreen working (Arne Anka?
> Timo? not sure, sorry), and Gismo started to clean up some packaging,

i did. and the deb is available on
> http://www.ginguppin.de/node/23

be aware that right click does not work -- there seems to be the necessary  
code for the tslib patch to work to be mssing entirely.
in xorg.conf switch
Driver "fbdev"
Driver "xglamo"
export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event1
somewhere. i did it in
in the "start" stanza.
but i got the impression, xglamo still suffers from a drop in performance  
after running a while.

rotating works with
xrandr -o ...
-o 1 rotates bottom at 3 and works (pointer is inplace), -o 2 bottom at 12  
and a lot of problems
i did not try further since portrait/landscape seems the sensible ones and  
i don't care whether landscape has the bottom at 3 or 9.

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