On Thu 11 Sep 2008 01:31:27 Didier Raboud wrote:
> nickd wrote:
> Take a look at the other method previously pointed by DanĀ :
> http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/dasher/
> It's GPL...

I don't like Dasher because it introduces uncontrolled "waiting states", 
in order for the target letter to reach the center.

I get the same feeling when i'm told that in order to disable the QTopia 
keyboard's auto-complete, i need to wait 2secs on the same letter...

On Dasher's site they make a comparison with car-driving.
I think that if we were given the chance, 
we would preffere a click-to-destination instead of a steering-wheel car-UI.

Yet, a GPL software always deserves respect,

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