
The more I use my FR the less I like the current input methods. Raster's 
keyboard is a great improvement but still hardly useful if you're typing in a 
language other then english (e.g. swiss german).

Well, I've got a few questions regarding input methods:
- Is it possible to use qtopia handwriting recognition with om? What about the 
its configuration tools? Is there an openmoko project to create something 
- A few weeks ago, someone posted a mockup of a partly transparent keyboard 
covering the whole screen (Can't find the post atm). I think this is a great 
idea to increase tapping space while typing on such a small screen. Has someone 
already tried to code something like this?

Best regards, Chris

P.S. Why can't the default openmoko images not provide "descent" alsa state 

Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört? Der kann`s mit allen: 

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