On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 11:04 AM, Shawn prjktdtnt Thompson <

> David Samblas wrote:
> > Hi there on of our colleges[1] of the spanish list has provided us with
> > an gsmhanset state file that "solves" low volume on call reciver , I
> > have barelly tested it alone with a phone en each ear :). I will test it
> > further along the day and post the results, any one else willing to try
> > is wellcome to do it.
> >
> > from neo or ssh console
> > cd /usr/share/openmoko/scenarios/
> > mv gsmhandset.state gsmhandset.state.original
> > wget http://n2.nabble.com/attachment/1129707/0/gsmhandset.state
> >
> > [1]The original post
> > http://n2.nabble.com/-Fwd%3A-eco-y-audio--tc1129707ef1958.html
> >

I been using this for last couple of days.
definatley makes a big improvment. call from my side seems fine and other
person could hear me clearly.
although there  was a constant buzz. the buzz is quiet and sounds a bit like
signal interference.

thanks for posting.

" Due to the speed of light being faster than the speed of sound people
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