
It's great to see all the discussion (see
on the list about the community. I've not had time to comment on the
posts earlier so I now wrote three blog posts to keep up the
discussion. You can read the full text of the first post (I'll release
the rest two in the following days) at

Here are some key points of the first post:

for full text, see

My previous post about the status of the Openmoko community raised
some good discussion about the Openmoko community and development. I
haven't been able to reply earlier so I'll try to write here some of
my thoughts to clarify the original post and present you some of the
comments by others.

The discussion is in three parts to make it easier to read. This first
post discusses the status of the community. The second post is the
'wishlist' from some community members to Openmoko and the third will
discuss one of the possible solutions to improve communication.

It looks like that most of others who replied share my thoughts. The
comments without the e-mail addresses are from community mailing list,
the rest from the comments of my previous post. Remember, these are
only parts from the messages so please check the original posts for
more details!

--comments by other authors removed, see

It looks like that there some are not that satisfied with the current
situation. Some bought the phone thinking they get a phone suitable
for everyday usage. Too bad - I agree that some more information about
the status of the software would be good to have on the sites selling

My biggest concern is not that none of the distros we have works
great, I still have my old phone around. What makes me feel
uncomfortable is feeling uninformed about the status and development
as well as having this feeling of uselessness but that might change
when I upgrade to a supported distro and hopefully will be able to
report some bugs.

--comments by other authors removed, see

I have to agree with the authors here: Openmoko has done a great job
creating two models of a free, linux-capable GSM phone with great
innovative hardware in less than two years, making it more or less
profitable: At the current volumes and the current cost of operations
we are where we need to be (source).

I must admit that the weekly engineering news was something I didn't
know about earlier (thanks sadsammy and Minh!) and I'm very pleased to
see this released. Could someone post these to Planet and community
mailing lists?

So some feel that there's a lack of information, some are bored with
many incomplete distros as others hail Openmoko for their
achievements. Obviously Openmoko has done something great but there's
still something to do better with the community.

Next post will discuss the wishes from the community to Openmoko.

for full text, see


| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa dot fi
| http://risto.kurppa.fi

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