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Joel Newkirk wrote:

> Now I've successfully booted from uSD with Base Image and 2.6.27. "Linux
> om-gta02 2.6.27-andy-tracking_2ffb4cc483642df1-mokodev #12 PREEMPT Sat Oct
> 11 13:06:05 BST 2008 armv4tl unknown".  (although every other attempt or so
> it seems to hang at a blank console with a blinking cursor, not really
> mapped that behavior out yet)

Depending on your rootfs (ie, Debian) it can be doing fsck on your ext3
filesystem during initscripts there and seem pretty hung -- you'd be
able to see it with debug board.

> Which one way or another goes to highlight that Qi - as it stands now and
> from what I understand of the intention for it - will not be usable for a
> dual-boot setup.  Not a problem actually, as NOR uBoot will let us achieve

What's planned for partition selection is you will in future be able to
press AUX while Qi is pulling in the kernel it selected to abort the
load and move to next usable partition, so I think multiboot will work
out fine if you can remember which "n'th" rootfs it is you want...
hopefully only a problem for people with >2.

> that, and I realize that the common target case will be a user who wants a
> smartphone, not a multiboot development platform.  I just realized that the
> default behavior of Qi being uSD and the default behavior of uBoot being
> NAND means you could place 'primary' on uSD and 'secondary' in NAND, and
> booting to secondary is just two-step - NOR boot with aux+power, then power
> again to boot.  Don't you love that feeling when things start to click? :) 
> Now I have Base/Empty firing up by default, Raster+FSO if I use aux to
> invoke NOR Uboot.

It's a nice idea to leverage NOR but I think Qi will take care of it
soon and allow more that one alternative rootfs.

- -Andy
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