The qtopia mediaserver takes ~35% cpu to play my max bitrate
VBR-encoded mp3's. I don't have mplayer installed and not /dev/dsp for
madplay so I cannot test with those.

For average tasks, the UI is still nicely responsive in these latest
testing builds. Anytime the load gets to 2, though, you start to get
audio cutting out. GTA02 is not a brute.

I actually have not tested audio interruption (i.e., incoming call) in
a while, but I have never had a problem with it.

On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 5:59 PM, carmen r <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue Oct 14, 2008 at 05:41:55PM -0400, Dylan Reilly wrote:
>> FWIW, the qtopia media player in the testing branch is vastly better
>> than it was. Volume control even works now without causing distortion!
>> From my observations, the audio quality issue has been due to CPU load
>> and not the player itself. Even in fairly recent builds, the poor
>> freerunner was pushing very high loads and causing the media player to
>> mess up it's decoding. Try ensuring that only the media player is
>> taking CPU time when playing music.
> does the system slow to an untenable crawl when playing mp3. i mean can you 
> use dillo or webkit at the same time comfortably?
> whats the CPU usage of mplayer/alsa (no pulseaudio junk etc)
> do you have to killall -9 mplayer when a call comes in so the ring sound 
> plays, or can you use dmix (does that chew much CPU?)
> i was a bit too skeptical of GTA03 to make the jump (what with Acer buying 
> Eten, that new Russian phone on engadget, and the MeizuM8 coming 
> _any_day_now_ and android making linux work on loads more hardware...)
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Dylan Maxwell Reilly

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