Thomas White wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Oct 2008 16:21:19 +1000
> nickd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> This has now shot to my favourite app. I wonder if we could make the 
>> 'moo' earlier. I assume you're trying to replicate those little toys 
>> that make the same kind of noise when you do the same thing.
> Yes - originally I planned to do a full emulation of the physics that
> goes on inside a proper moobox, and to vary the pitch and volume
> depending on the speed of the "flap" inside.  Then I realised that that
> was a bit harder than I have time for at the moment so it's saved for a
> later version.

Ehm... Maybe I'm the only, but I can't understand why this app is
getting so popular (yes it's nice, but it doesn't remember me nothing
:)). Reading the mails I figured that it tries to emulate something else
available on the market, but what is it?
In Italy we don't have such things/toys :P.

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