El Xoves, 13 de Novembro de 2008, Chris Samuel escribió:

> I'm sure I've received calls and SMS's with my phone suspended
> with both Qtopia (4.3.3 snapshot) and QT Extended (4.4.2).

For me it's much worst

qtopia 4.3.3 lost every call I received with phone suspended. When I woke it 
up, I received a "lost call" sms from my operator.

qtextended 4.4.2  is funnier. I don't receive the calls, but when I wake the 
phone up, it starts to ring, no matter if the call were made 10 minutes 
before. Then I also receive a "lost call" sms. 
Worst part is that when you call me, you can hear "call tone", not busy tone 
nor "out of coberture" 

I suppose it's a matter of luck. 

What is true is thar every try I made with SHR preview, simply worked. 
Suspend/resume is working also.

For me, SHR is the nearest I got to have a "daily phone" freerunner.

David Garabana Barro
jabber & google talk ID:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Clave pública PGP/GPG:          http://davide.garabana.com/pgp.html

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