On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 4:38 AM, Wolfgang Spraul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Let me link back to one of my Weekly Engineering News (back when they
> were still weekly, ahem - I am working hard to get this good
> discipline back!)
> http://lists.openmoko.org/nabble.html#nabble-td837114
> We looked at several options, OIN, patent-commons, peertopatent.
> In the end we decided to collaborate with the Software Freedom Law
> Center in New York. We believe this is most in line with the goals of
> the Openmoko project, and will have the best long-term results.
> I cannot speak about details yet, the SFLC and Sean are working on
> this. I think next year, with regards to patents the results from that
> will be one of the more important developments for Openmoko and maybe
> even the larger Free Software scene.

Excellent.  I'd missed that.  Thank you very much for pointing it out!  :D


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