please update with later versions or alternatives

drac2000 wrote:
> Can you please refer me right paths ?
> Me 2 i am using the qextended as my daily phone
> I downloaded the image + rootfs from version 4.2.2
> But i experienced a lot of problems with mp3 player Sound speaker out if I
> plug the headphones !!
> Would you suggest me to install only the image file from
> ?
> Another question for you please: Could you have a video file played properly
> on any of the qtextended releases?
> I was trying to do so with an avi 320*240 file but it was complaining about
> not supported file. Do you have any experience with video file types
> supported by qtextended
> Thanks a lot
> Alishams Hassam-2 wrote:
>> I have been using qtextended  with mwester's kernel as a daily phone.
>> Using even the "unstable" kernel, ontop of daily phone features (making
>> and receiving calls, txt msgs, caller id, contacts off sim) it also
>> suspends/resumes perfect, can play mp3's with the media player (using
>> the headphones as well), and transfer files to the SD card. Should you
>> have any problems, you can always switch to the "stable" kernel.
>> is where you will find the kernels. The
>> only issue I have had is a missing terminal shortcut when I used the
>> binary update for 4.4.1 to 4.4.2. Since you're not doing that, it should
>> be fine :)
>> On Wed, 2008-11-19 at 11:22 +0000, Russell Hay wrote:
>>> Hi list, 
>>> I know there is the 'official' QTExtended image on -
>>> but there have also been various discussions on the list about using
>>> mwesters kernel and some other changes/patches not reflected in the
>>> qtextended package. What's the most stable version that I can trial as
>>> a 'day to day' handset. 
>>> I'll even volunteer to update the wiki with the information :-o
>>> Russ
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