"Anton Persson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Novelty-factor? Have you ever used an iPhone for a longer period? I
> know several
> people who own one now ,  and they would _NEVER_ turn back to
> anything like a
> stylus controlled device, again. I really would _LOVE_ an iPhone, if
> it came with
> Free Software...

my experience is different. i didn't try iPhone myself, though. (i
refuse to use anything from a company like apple,) but i know two people
with iPhones and both would not buy one again. biggest problem for them
is that it is a bad phone (bad audio quality) and they lose calls
sometimes because it just does not ring. (never heard of any phone doing
that! ;-) ) second problem is the low resolution. dunno about the
touch, though.

just my 2 cents ...

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