+1 indeed, the screen is about the only thing that truly blows
people's minds away atm...

2008/11/21 Ken Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Denis Galvao wrote:
>>>On 21/11/2008, at 13:20, Ken Young wrote:
>>>> Really, we don't need a hi res screen on a day by day gadget
>>> I could not possibly disagree more strongly.
>>So, give me a reason where you will need that.
> As long as we have at least a VGA resolution screen, it is
> relatively easy for us to port linux desktop applications to
> the Openmoko phones.   Once we drop down to HVGA, or (heaven
> forbid!) QVGA, there will need to be extensive UI redesign
> to get most apps. from the desktop world to run on an OM phone,
> especially when a soft keyboard is needed.   So reducing the
> resolution will greatly reduce the code base we can leverage.
> In addition, I don't think you can ever had too many pixels on
> a machine you intend to run a web browser on.   Right now,
> when I show someone my Freerunner, the only thing that impresses
> them is the display.   It would be a shame if OM dropped the
> one part of its hardware that is actually superior to what
> is found on other smartphones.
> Ken Young
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