Awesome :)

On Thu, Dec 04, 2008 at 04:31:27AM -0800, Steve Mosher wrote:
> all you have to do is ask me. I like saying yes.
> Rui Miguel Silva Seabra wrote:
> > On Wed, Dec 03, 2008 at 09:51:44AM +0100, Minh Ha Duong wrote:
> >>> Could somebody official in OpenMoko respond to this email and perhaps
> >>> indicate whether the company would be interested in this idea and
> >>> perhaps some way of gauging if the community is interested? Perhaps
> >>> somebody in the Community could design a cool subtle OpenMoko garment?
> >> The second option is more like it. It takes a few hours to design a 
> >> T-Shirt 
> >> and upload it to an online store where everybody else can go and buy it. 
> >> So 
> >> just do it: the entry costs are so low that there is no real need for a 
> >> formal market study !
> > 
> > There may be trademark issues, better clear that with OpenMoko first!

All Hail Discordia!
Today is Pungenday, the 46th day of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3174
+ No matter how much you do, you never do enough -- unknown
+ Whatever you do will be insignificant,
| but it is very important that you do it -- Gandhi
+ So let's do it...?

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