Ed Kapitein wrote:
> Hi all,
> I upgraded to 2008.11 (daily image of 04 december 2008) and i lost my
> illume keyboard.
> All i have now is the useless predictive keyboard.
> Is there a way to re-install the illume keyboard again?
> I did uninstall and install illume again, to no avail.
> I am also missing a possibility to see the settings of illume.
> i did try the instructions on:
> http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Keyboard_Debate#How_to_install_the_illume_.28Raster.27s.29_keyboard_.3F
> to no avail.
> Thanks a lot for any pointer to fixing this, if i get it to work, i will
> add it to the wiki.

Actually this is already in the wiki:
http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Keyboard_Toggle (at the very bottom)
Bottom line: At the moment you have to switch themes to get Raster's
keyboard back.


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