Am 08.12.2008 um 13:38 schrieb Joseph Reeves:
                > GTK support seems mildly improved in the testing release, but 
                > still having big troubles with it. Note, that relatively 
simple GTK
                > apps, such as TangoGPS work without issue.
                > We're running a complex GTK app:
                > It works perfectly on 2007.2, but on 2008.x releases it 
suffers from
                > multiple problems; layouting and stability seem to the big 
ones. It is
                > improved when running on the latest testing release, but 
still not up
                > to the standard of GTK applications on 2007.2.
                > We were promised that we wouldn't need to worry about 
Openmoko moving
                > away from GTK as the latest releases would still run GTK 
                > However performance is clearly below an acceptable level.
                Yes, please file bugs. Please also attach the versions of 
cairo, gtk+,  
                glib, pango from Om2007.2 and Om2008.8.
                Did you try to use a different theme engine? Is that changing 


Hi, Holger, all

Joseph and I are collaborating to get this Java GIS application to run on 
Openmoko. We regularly update/upgrade from: 

We are currently using the java.awt package for the GUI and are having a few 
issues than we didn't see with Om 2007.2.

We are drawing our map on a java.awt.Panel which is something we cannot change 
easily, but I think we can replace the other controls (buttons, dialogs, 
labels, etc.) with the Eclipse swt widgets and keep this awt panel for the map 
(embedded). Also we are going to test JamVM instead of cacao. We'll let you 
know how it goes.










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