Change to the illume theme - instructions on the wiki

To stop the other kb's from appearing unexpectedly:
opkg list_installed|grep keyboard.

Uninstall the numbers and default - leave only the terminal one.  I cant
be more specific as I have already done so!

You will get an occasional flash as it tries to switch, but it comes
back with the terminal.

Downside is if you go back to asu, you dont have a keyboard - no great
loss as with the standard keyboard its unusable anyway.  This may be
fixable, but I have not looked further.


On Fri, 2008-12-12 at 00:33 +0100, Bernd Prünster wrote:
> Will Siddall schrieb:
> > Hey Tony,
> > One thing you my consider would be try install the
> > 'illume-keyboards-terminal' (found here:
> >
> >  If you install the 'illume-config-illume' package, you will also be
> > able to choose your default keyboard as well.
> >
> > This is what I've been using a lot and it comes with three keyboards
> > you can flip between.  An 'intelli-type' keyboard (which is alright
> > for SMS') and a matching numbers/symbols keyboard and then a terminal
> > keyboard which is a tiny keyboard to be typing any kind of terminal
> > commands with, but it's still useful.
> >
> > Until we can get any significant change in using the accelerometers to
> > automatically rotate the interface and give us a bigger keyboard, this
> > is what's available.
> >
> >
> >   
> followed the instructions, even tried to mess with qpe but after about 
> 15 minutes is keeps coming back.
> how to disable this royal pain in the a**?
> i like my phone but without a rasters keyboard it's pretty useless.
> really i am in severe pain right now.
> as much as i like the testing image, this is f*cked up sh*t.
> sorry about the abusive language, but i'm thinking about throwing my neo 
> against the wall as last resort to that evil black monster which is 
> claimed to be a "keyboard"
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