Dylan Reilly schrieb:
> FWIW, I have been able to reduce the CPU usage of Enlightenment on my
> OM testing build device by disabling drop shadows. After recent
> updates from testing (which should be more or less the 2008.12 image)
> Enlightenment was constantly grabbing 20% CPU and who knows how much
> IO. After I obliterated the drop shadow module,
> (/usr/lib/enlightenment/modules/dropshadow) only 1-2% CPU is being
> used.
> Moreover, I remembered some recent post(s) tentatively linking the
> Software-16 crashes (when using the illume theme) to drop shadows. On
> a whim I re-enabled that engine and am not seeing any problems. So,
> now I get a snappier UI to boot.
WOOHOO!!! you made my day

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