Will need some time on this.

Sean Moss-Pultz wrote:
> Dear Minh
> Please give me about a week to reply to these questions. I'm going to be 
> traveling a lot starting tonight so things will be very hectic for a while.
> I appreciate all your work to collect / organize such great topics.
>    -Sean
> Minh Ha Duong wrote:
>> Dear Sean,
>>   I received a great number of responses, most containing 3-10 questions. So 
>> I 
>> cheated a bit, and in this selection of 10 points most are actually multiple 
>> questions.
>> Q1. The end of the year is a time to look back on the year achievements.
>> So where does Openmoko stands now from a business point of view ?
>> Could you comment on sustainability, on sales numbers, on geographic markets
>> and customer categories ?
>> Q2. The god of January has two faces, one looking back and one looking 
>> forward, so...
>> Juergen, Eric in Japan and practically everybody else
>> want to know when will the GTA03 phone be released,
>> if it will have 3G/3.5G, a camera and the kitchen sink.
>> Can you tell us anything yet ? Where do you want Openmoko to be in December 
>> 2009 ?
>> Q3. The mandatory dogfood question was submitted by Yorik Moko:
>> "Do you use the FreeRunner as your daily phone, which distro
>> and what is your favorite application ?"
>> Q4. Todd would like to know exactly what are your feelings about Android
>> and its impact on the OpenMoko OS.
>> Q5. Kosa and Marco wondered if you could say us something about the 
>> management 
>> that doesn't seem
>> to be loved by great hackers like Harald and Carsten. For example, what is 
>> your analysis of
>> the controversies that led Om2008 to ship with Qtopia's predictive keyboard.
>> Q6. There are many Openmoko communities in languages other than English now.
>> Swap38 asks how can they best contribute back to the project,
>> and if there are plans to organize the diversity around a common model,
>> as OpenOffice.org did for example. What is the status of the 
>> internationalization
>> and localization effort ?
>> Q7. Let's be reflexive, kind of "we have to talk about our relationship, 
>> dear".
>> Tilman, supported by Michelle, wonders to which extend the community has met 
>> your expectations.
>> More precisely, could you name an area where it did not, perhaps
>> like an application that you would have expected be written already ?
>> Q8. On the other hand, Tim and others would like to know 
>> the most interesting or fun thing you have seen the Freerunner used for ?
>> Q9. And where do you think could any person do the most for the project 
>> right 
>> now? Think of if that person would be ideal and have all the skills needed.
>> And then, which skills are in most need right now and in the future?
>> Q10. To conclude, can we have a video of you in Openmoko T-shirt and 
>> geek-cap,
>> having a phone chat with star hackers, using Neo FreeRunners at both ends,
>> telling each other your favourite Freerunner joke ? Please ?
>> Thanks everybody for taking the time to ask these questions,
>> and thanks if advance for your replies,
>> Minh
>> --
>> Attached: All the questions received.
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