I just spent a while tracking down an issue with 2008.12 and
gsm0710muxd. I upgraded an FDOM image, so I'm not sure if anyone else
will see this problem, but just in case I thought I'd send this to the

2008.12 was starting xserver-nodm before gsm0710muxd, so the dbus call
added in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/89qtopia started a separate gsm0710muxd
process without any args before gsm0710muxd was started by init which
caused gsm0710muxd to fail to work.

A quick fix is to change xserver-nodm from S04 to S23 (gsm0710muxd is
22) or so in /etc/rc5.d .

Eldon Koyle
Between grand theft and a legal fee, there only stands a law degree.

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