Hi Steve,

many thanks to you guys for finally fixing the Buzz Issue.
Is there any procedure defined by OM how the non-DIY-guys can fix their 
phones? As DIY will break warranty (given by reseller) i have to rely on a 
way supported by OM.


On Friday 26 December 2008 07:19:41 Steve Mosher wrote:
> Thanks..
>   I should have pointed out that if people can do before and after
> recordings that would be exceptionally cool. I guess I shoulda asked B4
> xmas.
> If you've done a fix, send me photos, your contact information
> and I'll send you some belated gifts for the holiday.
> Special bonus for people who post vids.
> Just send a mail to elsie, chelsea and me and we'll decide on some
> goodies.
> Maybe Sean can do a special T shirt for the DIY masters.
> Michael Zanetti wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > I just wanted to let you know that I have applied the Buzz fix to my
> > Freerunner revision A5 according to this [1] paper and indeed the buzz is
> > completely gone. Including the echo fix my Neo converted from the coolest
> > toy to the coolest _phone_ I've ever had.
> >
> > I'm flashing 2008.12 right now. *very excited*
> >
> > Very big thanks to everyone involved working out this one!
> > And thank you openmoko (the whole team) for this wonderful product!
> >
> > Michael
> >
> > [1] http://people.openmoko.org/joerg/GSM_EMI_noise/big-
> > C_rework_SOP__DRAFT3__.pdf
> >
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