So, with 2008.9 I was using iptables to tether my ubuntu laptop to my 
freerunner's gprs connection.  
But as of 2008.12 I'm getting an "Illegal instruction" error each time I run 
the iptables command.  

Commands I run on the freerunner to enable tethering after gprs connection:
iptables -v -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE -s
sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

I've noticed that most but not all iptables commands generate the same "Illegal 
instruction" error as well.  
Has anyone got around this yet?

I've installed iptables, iptables-utils, and upgraded libgcc1 to v4.2.4-r5.1 
from the angstrom repository.  


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