i copied this file to my om but can't figger out what to do with it.
here's the link for u-boot:


I tried some pretty creative stuff to press both keys, to no avail. if i
press and hold power then press aux, something fundamental should happen,
correct? if the power itself does nothing major,might that mean it's just
being ignored?

On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 10:09 AM, arne anka <openm...@ginguppin.de> wrote:

> afaik new freeruners still come with 2007.2 -- which in turn is
> discontinued, ie no upddates.
> if you run an upgrade with a recent feeds list. you most likely mixed
> recent 2008.X stuff with the old 2007.2 stuff -- which basically means,
> your installation is beyond help ...
> your best bet would be to flash a recent image of 2008.12 (which is said
> to be a good choice) and a recent u-boot and kernel.
> please check the list's archives for links, since i am not using 208.12 i
> do not know where the images for the filesystem and the kernel live.
> here's the link for u-boot:
> http://downloads.openmoko.org/daily/testing/gta02v5_and_up-u-boot.bin
> for getting into nor (to flash):
> - one way could be to turn the fr around, thus your thumb would match the
> aux button and your index finger hits the pwr. hold the aux and press the
> pwr until the menu comes up. it is not easy to me, but doable. depending
> on how long you are single handed you might be better at this than i am
> with two hands
> - the other way could be to press aux against some little bump or a pen
> and press the pwr with the thumb until the menu comes up
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