Thanks for your reply. But I think you misunderstood me. I already have 
created my keyboards and use them since over a month now. In fact, they are 
very similar to the ones you have posted but optimized for german text.

Anyways, this thread should discuss the slide-up-to-switch-layout 
functionality but not the layouts itself.

On Monday 02 February 2009 12:19:06 Pander wrote:
> Michael Zanetti wrote:
> > Hi all!
> >
> > I'm using the illume keyboard on my OM2008.12 powered Freerunner. I have
> > created my own keyboard layouts that perfectly fit to my needs:
> > 1. qwerty without any special characters - Finger friendly
> illume-keyboards-numbers-alt
> > 2. Numbers and most special chars - Finger friendly
> > 3. Full-featured notebook-like with all the crap you never need - Stylus
> > friendly
> you can take this one as inspiration
> illume-keyboards-dutch-nl
> the characters with diacritics are optimised for dutch language
> according to character histograms but it is perfect for stylus ful
> feature work.
> > When using my FR as on the go, I constantly need the first two layouts.
> > And I have to switch quite often beween them but I never use the third
> > one. When I'm at home and fiddle around with lots of terminals and stuff
> > like that, it happens that I need the third layout. But then, I have a
> > stylus.
> >
> > The problem now is, that when I'm writing a message using my thumb and
> > switch between the different layouts I need to slide the keyboard up once
> > to switch from the qwerty layout to the numbers but I have to slide up
> > twice to get back to the qwerty one. This is because I have to hop over
> > the full-featured layout that I cannot use with my fingers.
> >
> > The idea is this:
> > It would be great to be able to define if a layout should be addressed
> > when sliding the finger up. This way, only the finger-friendly keyboards
> > would be visible when using the FR only with your fingers. When using a
> > stylus one could still open the terminal-keyboard using the menu on the
> > upper right of the keyboard.
> > This could be done by defining a property in the keyboard file just like
> > for example the property for enabling/disabling the dictionary.
> >
> > IMHO this is not the ultra-mind-blowing idea, but would be a little step
> > closer to the worlds best on-screen-keyboard.
> >
> > What do you think?
> >
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