Three days ago, I installed the actual SHR onto my freerunner (testing
or unstable...I think it was the unstable image, but not sure) and
today, I can only say one thing: It's the best image I've ever seen!

GPS works! (needs 20 minutes for first fix: first killall fso-gpsd, then
power on the gps device "echo 1
> /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-0/0-0073/pcf50633-regltr.7/neo1973-pm-gps.0/pwron"
then type "cat /dev/ttySAC1" and wait, still you see some numbers or
characters between all commas in a GPS message (ignore those
"unknown ..." messages) when that happens, type ctrl +c to kill the cat
output and start fso-gpsd. Now open tangoGPS and wait some seconds and
you can see where you are.

GPRS works! Simple follow the "fso gprs" manual in the wiki

Voice quality is better than the voice quality on most "normal" handys
for me.

Now I only need bluetooth and a good audio player (the pythm doesn't
play .ogg files well...only I make a "bad quality" ogg file...)

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