On Thu, 5 Feb 2009 16:48:36 +0100 Laszlo KREKACS
<laszlo.krekacs.l...@gmail.com> said:

> 2009/2/5 The Rasterman Carsten Haitzler <ras...@rasterman.com>:
> >> But there are other cases, where it is not that clear:
> >> ólt - pound (accusative)
> >> ölt - he killed ...
> >> olt - to graft
> >
> > sure.. maybe being an english speaker.. this doesn't bother me so much as
> > english is full of such words... 1 word can have 2 or 3 or even more very
> > different meanings. written the same way. only context lets you figure it
> > out. so to me i go "so.. what's the problem?" :)
> Sure, many words can have different meanings. But you missed the point.
> When english has multiple meanings of a word, you pronounce the same
> way, it is the same word.
> But with accents, you pronounce very differently because it is not the
> same word!

actually... no. there are cases where 1 word, written 1 way can have multiple
meanings and pronounced multiple ways... some examples:

row, wind, lead


"i had a row on the lake!" <- ambiguous meaning when written. could mean you
rowed a boat on the lak, or had an argument on the lake. pronunciation is
different in the 2 row's, but when written, it's the same.

> The correct analogy for english would be:
> Lets assume the character 'v' is just an accented version of character 'n'.
> Now when you want to write "vice president", you always and up with
> "nice president".
> See the difference?
> Better example: merge the character "e" with "a". I think you get the idea...
> ((
> Battar axampla: marga tha charactar "a" with "a". I think you gat tha idaa...
> Can you decrypt? Sure. By computer? Maybe. Was nice to read? I highly doubt
> it. ))
> > i don't have the bandwidth to go solving every language on the planet's
> > input problems.
> I didnt ask you to do so.
> I said, you cant just ignore the accents, because, most of the time,
> it is not a "modifier" of a char but a whole another character.
> It is the same case what Helge at the beginning said for norwegian
> language (for/fôr, tå/ta).
> I simply confirmed the same problem exists for other language too.

well hungarian created a more complex case with compound words that go well
beyond what german does. thats the problem :(

------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)    ras...@rasterman.com

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