On Saturday 07 February 2009, arne anka wrote:
> > Ok, i have the logging. I dont see anything strange,
> i, otoh, do:
> 2009-02-07 19:38:36,517 INFO network status changed:
> dbus.Dictionary({dbus.String(u'strength'): dbus.Int32(89,
> variant_level=1), dbus.String(u'cid'): dbus.String(u'3539',
> variant_level=1), dbus.String(u'act'): dbus.String(u'GSM',
> variant_level=1), dbus.String(u'lac'): dbus.String(u'1190',
> variant_level=1), dbus.String(u'mode'): dbus.String(u'automatic',
> variant_level=1), dbus.String(u'registration'): dbus.String(u'home',
> variant_level=1)}, signature=dbus.Signature('sv'))
> 2009-02-07 19:38:36,528 DEBUG Failed to register to network
> 2009-02-07 19:38:36,904 INFO network status changed:
> dbus.Dictionary({dbus.String(u'strength'): dbus.Int32(89,

Signal strength

> variant_level=1), dbus.String(u'cid'): dbus.String(u'3539',

Cell ID

> variant_level=1), dbus.String(u'act'): dbus.String(u'GSM',
> variant_level=1), dbus.String(u'lac'): dbus.String(u'1190',

LAC - a location code 

> variant_level=1), dbus.String(u'mode'): dbus.String(u'automatic',

Automatic network selection, as opposed to the user telling it to connect to a 
specific network

> variant_level=1), dbus.String(u'registration'): dbus.String(u'home',

Registered to your home network

> variant_level=1)}, signature=dbus.Signature('sv'))
> 2009-02-07 19:38:36,934 DEBUG Failed to register to network
> 2009-02-07 19:38:37,011 DEBUG SIM is ready: 1
> according to this, registration fails. and yet, sim reports ready.
> i don't understand, what the values of that dbus.Dictionary returned mean,
> but my first guess is rather a framework problem, not a zhone one.

The Dictionary looks like the content of a GSM network status update signal 
from the framework, and the values indicate it's registered to the home 
network for that SIM. I don't know why it thinks registration failed.

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