Jay Vaughan wrote:
>>> Do we still need to install the gllin package on neo1973?
>> Sure
>>> If so, how
>>> do I do it 'properly' on SHR-testing?
>> Just opkg install it.
> okay it doesn't seem to be working for some reason.  the gta01 has sat  
> on the window for an hour, no fix .. FR got one in 5 minutes.
>> (I have my gllin package always on my SD card)
>> Rest should be taken care of by framreworkd.
>> Last time I checked, this worked with FSO and SHR.
> is there anything special to do with the /etc/init.d/* scripts and  
> setup of the /tmp/nmeaP file, like we used to have to do with OM?

If nothing is broken, this should do automatically.
fso-gpsd should fire up, which does connect to freameworkd.
If you connect to gpsd gllin should start.

But to be honest, I had mine sitting on the shelf for some time now. But 
the only thing it get is the GPS-Time.
But it could not be totally broken though, because at least I get the time.
But it is ondor, maybe the roof changes. It usually works pretty well in 
this spot. :)

>> But, as the flash space on GTA01 with SHR is extremely limited, you  
>> will
>> not be able to install Navit.
> i opted for a SD-on-root install, with 4 gigs, so this shouldn't be an  
> issue.

Btw. Can you share how you did this? Last time I checked this u-boot did 
not find any partitions.
I have the feeling ongoing GTA02 shauvinism had let gta01 information to 
rot a bit on the wiki.

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  Albert Einstein

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