>> If you use the MPD backend, it works very efficiently (probably the
>> same as what you see with your mplayer+intone).  The other advantage
>> of MPD is that you can control it from anywhere .....
>   Sure. :-) I haven't used MPD. But I'm more looking at using the phone as a
> standalone music player (while travelling etc).

MPD+pythm works just fine as a standalone music player as well,
of course.

>   I have no intentions of belittling pythm or any other player (who all
> probably fit somewhere in the app landscape).

Neither did I want to belittle your work.  Just pointing out that your
original motivation could have been addressed without reinventing the
wheel.  Maybe your wheel is really much better, but from what I've seen
in the past, we have too many toyish music players, so it would be
better to improve existing ones than to make yet-another-one.


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