El día Monday, March 02, 2009 a las 07:51:26PM +0800, Daniel.Li escribió:

> > This means you only have the C and POSIX locales, i.e. no UTF-8
> > locales. Try to install for example "locale-base-en-us" or some other
> > language and see if that makes a difference.

I've installed now in addition:


but I still have no 'locale' command;

the 1st of the above packages does not contain anything and the second
some msg files:

tar tzf data.tar.gz 

but they make 'vala-terminal' come up with UTF8 support:

r...@om-gta02:~# LANG=en_GB.UTF8 vala-terminal
moko-terminal constructed

and showing Spanish accented chars. Happy now! Thx a lot;


Matthias Apitz
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