El día Thursday, March 05, 2009 a las 03:55:47PM +0100, Max Giesbert escribió:

> I know this behavior from the desktop. There you have to use a right
> mouse click to scroll backwards...
> Dunno how to get a right click on the Freerunner though...

I've never seen this before on my real desktop because it was
always bigger than the remote one;

I've just tested 
VNC Viewer Free Edition 4.1.2 for X - built Mar 21 2008 21:39:25
in FreeBSD and made the window small enough that the scrollbars showed
up; you may move in both directions with left click into the free area
or you fixate left button and move the scrollbar freely with the mouse

this has to be a bug in the ported version or the port itself;


Matthias Apitz
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