2009/3/9 Mile Davidovic <david.moko.comun...@gmail.com>:
> As I am new in this please help me with following:
> On http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Distributions page I have read a lot of
> info regarding various distro (OM 2008.12, FSO, FDOM, QtExt, Android ...).
>   If I want to use GTA02 as every day phone which distro I should chose?
>   According to table on same page Qt Extended is most mature, but I do not
> see any information about OM 2008.12?


qt ext is very stable and usable, but because it uses framebuffer, not
x11, there are limited applications that can run on it, unless you use
the extremely bodgy x11 hack

i was quite pleased with 2008.8, but .12 has been a complete pita

for a simple stable phone, i'd start with qt ext and then give shr a go

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