On Monday 09 March 2009, KaZeR wrote:
> Hello list.
> Last week i was in holidays, far away from home. And the Internet.
> So i took my laptop, and setup a gprs connection using my Sony phone. Using
> bluetooth it's done within a breath : setup a rfcomm channel to the
> bluetooth serial port channel and you're almost done, using wvdial
> So two things came to my mind :
> 1) it would be nice to be able to do the same thing using the FR.
> 2) it would be even nicer to share the gprs connection from the FR using
> wifi
> Anybody already tried this?

I expect it to work more like some other SonyEricsson phones that present a 
USB or Bluetooth network interface and allow the connecting machine to get 
networking details over DHCP. FSO has 
org.freesmartphone.Network.StartConnectionSharingWithInterface to do this, but 
I don't know whether it's been implemented yet. 

AdHoc connections may be possible over WiFi, but we can't behave as a 

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