Dear list,

My FreeRunner (running Om2008.9) freezes after about 10 minutes using the GPS 
from my Java application. I think it's the same issue discussed below. I have 
searched the tickets but didnt find a reference to this among the 2200 tickets.

User Trevino recommends replacing xglamo with xfbdev. How do I do it?

Any ideas?

Juan Lucas


Vimal Joseph ha scritto:
> Hi,
> I'v posted a problem of frequent freezing of Neo Freerunner.
> It turned out that the problem is with the gps. As the system freezes
> after some time whenever i turnd the gps on. The problem was not there
> with the qtopia image may be because the driver for gps is not there
> in qtopia (I'm not very sure about this).
> I'v just installed the 2008.8 image and the phone freezes whenever i
> turned the gps on. With in few seconds the screen freezes and nothing
> works till i remove the battery.
> Is any one having same symptoms? What can be the problem?

Last time I've used Xglamo based distros I had this too. As I said in 
the other thread, imho the problem is only due to Glamo and/or Xglamo 
since using Xfbdev workarounds it (remove xglamo and install xfbdev 
instead, no more freezes!).

This is supported also by the freezing errors you reported (and that I 
got too).
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